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"Come, Let us return to the Lord and He will heal us.  He will come to us like the rain, like the spring showers that water the land."  Hosea 6:  1,3

Do you ever feel like you need to regroup or regather?  I know I do.  Sometimes life is like a jigsaw puzzle  with missing pieces.  It just doesn't seem to fit all together.  We are busier now with things in life more than
ever before.. We need to regather.

How do we do it?  There are a number of ways:

(1)  RETURN--Come back to your first love--to the place where you gave your heart to Jesus, and listen to Him speak to you.

(2)WORSHIP-- You will experience a freedom and a refocusing of your life as you focus on Him.

(3)REMEMBER--Think back on the times when you had a closer walk with Him.  Remember when He did       marvelous things for you.

(4)CLEANSE--Once you have returned your heart to and worshiped Him, you will have the insight  to              know what things God wants you to get rid of.

(5)REJOICE--you have been forgiven.  His grace is bigger than your sin.

As Summer ends and Fall begins, let's remember there is much to do at church in October.  October is usually one of our busier months.  Revival will begin on October 16th and go through October 19th.
There will be high attendance in Sunday School on October 16th.  Our goal is 130.  We will have  dinner-on-the-grounds following morning worship.  Billy Pierce and Ted Stringer will be our team.  Pray that something will happen that can only be explained as God moves.  We welcome Joshua Grigg as our church member.  

Until the whole world hears,

Bro. Ronnie




